“Dignity & Religion” Saturday, 5. May 2018, 01:30pm
Klaus Schwertner studied health management at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems. After completing his studies, he headed PR & Communications at NÖ Landeskliniken-Holding, where he was press spokesman for the 27 Lower Austrian hospitals.
From 2008 to 2013, Klaus Schwertner was press spokesman of the Caritas Caritas Erzdiözese of Vienna. In 2010, he initiated the joint initiative “Counter-injurious: children are not jailed” by Caritas, Diakonie, SOS Children’s Villages and Amnesty International, which was supported by over 75 organizations and more than 116,000 people.
Since March 2013, Klaus Schwertner is Managing Director of Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna.