Welcome and Short Impulse “Dignity & Economy” Thursday, 3. May 2018, 06:30pm
Michael Meyer is head of the Institute for Nonprofit Management at WU Vienna (University of Economics and Business). At WU Vienna, he is also member of the academic board of the Professional MBA Program for Social Management and member of the Competence Center for NPOs and Social Entrepreneurship. Besides, he is head of the board of WU’s career center.
In 2005 he received a full professorship for Nonprofit-Management at WU. Earlier he worked as an associate professor for business administration at WU from 2002-2005. In 2001 he received his Habilitation and Venia Docendi in Business Administra ion. From 1998 to 2001 he worked as an assistant professor at the Department for Organisational Behaviour at WU.
During the 1990ties, Michael Meyer acquired methodological competencies and experience in various transdisciplinary research projects, i.e. “Language and Diplomacy” together with sociolinguistic department of the Vienna University (1994-97) and “Work- Life-Balance of Managers” (1997-98). From 1992-94 he held the position of a research assistant at the Institute for Cultural Management (Vienna University for Music and the Performing Arts), from 1989-92 he worked as a research assistant at WU’s Marketing Department. Michael Meyer studied Business Administration at WU from 1982-88.
In terms of research, Michael Meyer has published more than 150 academic papers on a variety of issues, mainly focusing on nonprofit- management and governance, the third sector and civil society, careers, and the diffusion of management thinking into NPOs and its consequences. His current research concentrates upon governance and managerialism in NPOs.
Michael Meyer is a member of
the Euro pean Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS www.egosnet.org),
the Academy of Management (AoM www.aom.org),
the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR www.istr.org),
the Association for Research of Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA www.arnova.org) and
the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (VHB vhbon line.org).